Bearer authentication

The Auth service can be used for REST APIs that use bearer authentication rather than stateful sessions. The HTTP request should contain header

Authorization: Bearer <token> 
use Jasny\Auth\Session\BearerAuth;

$auth->initialize(new BearerAuth());

For this type of authentication it’s not possible to login or logout. Calling those methods will throw a LogicException. It’s also not possible to change the context. It should be automatically determined using AuthStorage::getContextForUser(). Alternatively inContextOf() can be used.

The BearerAuth constructor optionally takes a PSR-7 server request as first argument, and an id format as second argument. The format is used in sprintf to create the id from the token.

class ApiKey implements Auth\UserInterface
    public function getAuthId()
        return "key:{$this->token}";

new BearerAuth($serverRequest, "apikey:%s");