
By default, authorization is global, aka application-wide. However, it’s possible to set an authz context like a team, organization, or board. Rather than checking if a user is an manager in the application, you’d verify is the user is a manager of the team.

Any object that implements Jasny\Auth\ContextInterface can be used as context. The getAuthId() method should return a value that can be used by the Storage implementation to fetch the context.

use Jasny\Auth;

class Team implements Auth\ContextInterface
    public string $id;

    public function getAuthId(): string
        return $this->id;
use Jasny\Auth;

class User implements Auth\UserInterface
    public string $id;
    public string $username;
    public array $roles = [];
    public array $memberships;

    protected string $hashedPassword;

    // ...
    public function getAuthRole(?Auth\ContextInterface $team = null): array
        // Membership is an object that specifies the roles for the user within an team
        $membership = $team !== null
            ? $this->getMembership($team)
            : null;

        return array_merge($this->roles, $membership->roles ?? []);

Different type of contexts

In some cases an application has multiple types of authorization contexts. Take Trello for instance, it defines application-wide, team, and board privileges.

use Jasny\Auth;

class Team implements Auth\ContextInterface
    public string $id;

    public function getAuthId(): string
        return "team:{$this->id}";

class Board implements Auth\ContextInterface
    public string $id;

    public function getAuthId(): string
        return "board:{$this->id}";

It’s up the storage class to determine which context to load

use Jasny\Auth;

class AuthStorage implements Auth\StorageInterface
    // ...

    public function fetchContext(string $contextId): ?Auth\ContextInterface
        [$type, $id] = explode(':', $contextId, 2);

        switch ($type) {
            case 'team':  return $this->fetchTeam($id);
            case 'board': return $this->fetchBoard($id);
            default:      throw new \Exception("Unknown context type '$type'");

    protected function fetchTeam(string $id): Team
        // ...

    protected function fetchBoard(string $id): Board
        // ...

Default context for user

It might be possible to automatically determine the context for a user. For instance; the user might only be a member of one team. The storage service must implement the method getContextForUser(). This method should return the default context of the user.

use Jasny\Auth;

class AuthStorage implements Auth\StorageInterface
    // ...

    public function getContextForUser(Auth\UserInterface $user): ?Auth\ContextInterface
        return $user instanceof User && count($user->teams) === 1
            ? $user->teams[0]
            : null;

Context from URL

In some applications the context will be determined on a slug in the URL (like jasny in In that case Context::getAuthId() should return null to prevent the context from being storing in the session.

use Jasny\Auth;

class Team implements Auth\ContextInterface
    public function getAuthId(): ?string
        return null;

You need to manually set the context for each request.

$teamSlug = get_slug_from_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$team = $auth->getStorage()->fetchContext($teamSlug);


if (!$auth->is('manager')) {
    return forbidden();

$auth->context(); // returns $team

Alternatively, use a Authz object for with context for authorization instead of Auth.

if (!$auth->inContextOf($team)->is('manager')) {
    return forbidden();

$auth->context(); // returns null